Norton Healthcare Provider

Planning for postpartum birth control shared decision-making with patients

Postpartum birth control conversations with patients are best started prepartum as a conversation about the desire for and timing of any future pregnancies, according to Kathryn R. Bradley, M.D., obstetrician and gynecologist with Women’s Care Physicians of Louisville, a Part of Norton Women’s Care.

“The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) advises this is a good time for a shared decision-making conversation with the patient,” Dr. Bradley said. “It also helps open the door to the full range of contraception options, their side effects and effectiveness.”

Sexuality, contraception and interpregnancy intervals are among the range of topics to be addressed in a comprehensive postpartum visit. The visit is crucial to providing access to effective postpartum birth control, but as many as 40% of patients don’t get the follow-up care, especially patients with limited resources.

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“Taking proactive steps to encourage a postpartum visit is helpful because these visits have been shown to improve overall health and well-being,” Dr. Bradley said.

According to ACOG, ways to increase attendance to postpartum visits include:

Trials have found 15 minutes of anticipatory guidance before hospital discharge and a phone call at two weeks reduced symptoms of depression and increased breastfeeding duration through six months postpartum among Black and Hispanic patients.