Norton Healthcare Provider

Sepsis information for providers

Define sepsis

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) criteria

Sepsis is:

Severe sepsis* is:

Septic shock is:


*All three clinical criteria (SIRS +, infection, organ dysfunction) must be met within six hours of each other to determine severe sepsis presentation time.

Treatment bundles

Presentation time is defined as the latest time all criteria align within six hours.


If all criteria are not met but provider documents “severe sepsis” or “septic shock,” then time of documentation becomes presentation time.

Severe sepsis

Within three hours of presentation:

Within six hours of presentation:

Septic shock

Within three hours of presentation:

Within six hours of presentation:

Additional documentation to meet volume status and tissue perfusion assessment can include two of the following:


Best practice/meet requirements:

Excludes that criteria from determining presentation of severe sepsis

Frequently used broad-spectrum antibiotics

Not an exhaustive list; review order sets for combination dual-therapy coverage

Sepsis Pearls

Health care Providers


For questions or more information, contact your system sepsis coordinator.

Danette Culver, APRN
(812) 881-0080