Norton Healthcare Provider

Highly trained professionals give care in the Jennifer Lawrence Cardiac Intensive Care Unit

By Deanna R. Todd Tzanetos, M.D.

The Jennifer Lawrence Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) at Norton Children’s Hospital is staffed by a dedicated team of highly trained and specialized professionals.

Each morning a multidisciplinary team of physicians, nurses and allied health professionals gather at each patient’s bedside for rounds. The team includes:

In addition to the rounding team, a large group of allied health professionals provides care and support to our patients and their families. They include a nurse clinician, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, ECMO specialists, child life specialists and pastoral care providers.

Should a CICU patient need additional pediatric subspecialty care, Norton Children’s Hospital’s diverse group of pediatric specialists and surgeons also are available.

Deanna R. Todd Tzanetos, M.D., is medical director of the Jennifer Lawrence Cardiac Intensive Care Unit and is a pediatric critical care specialist with Norton Children’s Critical Care, affiliated with the UofL School of Medicine.

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