Norton Healthcare Provider

Norton Leatherman Spine physicians to present at Scoliosis Research Society meeting

Norton Leatherman Spine physicians have a history of innovation and research in areas such as spine surgery safety, spinal deformities and patient-reported outcomes. As participants in numerous studies and trials, our specialist physicians also offer access to ground-breaking treatments. See a list of current clinical trials.

Congratulations to Norton Leatherman Spine physicians whose abstracts have been accepted for podium presentation at the 2019 Scoliosis Research Society Annual Meeting held in September in Montreal, Canada.

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Norton Leatherman Spine physicians are known for nonsurgical care, pain-relieving surgery and correction of complex spine issues.

To refer a patient to a Norton Leatherman Spine provider, click here for the online referral form or call (502) 629-1234, option 3.