Norton Healthcare Provider

When to refer a pediatric patient to preventive cardiology

Children with a high cholesterol panel or three consecutive elevated blood pressure readings should be referred to a cardiologist for preventive cardiology, and there is a list of additional criteria that primary care providers can consult before making a referral.

“A child can have one or multiple risk factors, and we can intervene before the patient develops heart disease,” said Jyothi M. Matta, M.D., pediatric cardiologist with Norton Children’s Heart Institute, affiliated with the UofL School of Medicine.

Dr. Matta and other specialist physicians see patients in the Norton Children’s Metabolic Syndrome Clinic, a multidisciplinary clinic that aims to prevent acquired heart disease in children. The clinic offers comprehensive care for children with obesity, dyslipidemia and hypertension, with cardiologists, nephrologists, endocrinologists and a general pediatrician dedicated to identifying and addressing cardiovascular risk factors in children.

Related: Don’t overlook child blood pressure readings

Refer a patient

To refer a patient to Norton Children’s Heart Institute, visit Norton EpicLink and choose EpicLink referral to Pediatric Cardiology.

Make a referral

Criteria for referral to preventive cardiology

To be referred to the multidisciplinary clinic, patients must be under age 18 and meet the following guidelines.

 Any ONE of these criteria:


At least TWO cardiac or metabolic risk factors, including:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that children should have their cholesterol checked at least once between ages 9 and 11 and again between ages 17 and 21.