Flu vaccine recommendations for the 2022-23 season will mirror the previous season, and pediatricians should begin to plan their flu immunization campaigns.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) flu vaccine recommendations for the 2022-23 season will mirror the previous season, and pediatricians should begin to plan their flu immunization campaigns.
“Kids experience really substantial morbidity from flu, including hospitalization and death,” said Kristina K. Bryant, M.D., physician with Norton Children’s Infectious Diseases, affiliated with the UofL School of Medicine, and hospital epidemiologist at Norton Children’s Hospital. “We also know that children play a key role in the transmission of flu within households and within the community, so it remains really important for children 6 months and older to be immunized.”
2022-2023 flu vaccine recommendations
The AAP flu vaccine recommendations include:
- Children 6 months and older should be vaccinated.
- Any licensed influenza vaccine appropriate by age and health status can be used.
- The AAP does not prefer any product over another for children and adolescents with no
- Children who are eligible for both a flu and COVID-19 vaccine can receive them at the same visit.
Refer a patient
To refer a patient to Norton Children’s Infectious Diseases, visit Norton EpicLink and choose EpicLink referral to Pediatric Infectious Disease.
When should kids get the flu vaccine?
Pediatric patients should receive the influenza vaccine as soon as it becomes available, even if they received the previous season’s flu vaccine in the spring. Children who need two doses should ideally receive them by the end of October. According to the AAP, “Children 6 months to 8 years of age should receive two doses if this is the first time they are being vaccinated against influenza, or if they have only received one dose of flu vaccine ever before July 1, 2022.”
Who is at highest risk?
Children with a higher risk of hospitalization and/or developing complications from influenza include patients younger than age 5 (especially under 2 years old) and those with certain underlying medical conditions.
“Even when influenza vaccine doesn’t prevent mild illness, it still can protect against severe illness, hospitalization and death,” said Dr. Bryant, who also serves as influenza lead for the AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases.
For the upcoming influenza season’s vaccine, a different H3N2 virus is being recommended by the World Health Organization and the Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee.
What about patients with allergies?
Children with a known history of egg allergy are eligible to receive the influenza vaccine. Providers should recommend an allergist for patients who experienced severe allergic reactions after an influenza vaccine, according to the AAP.