David A. Robertson, M.D., neurologist and neuroimmunologist, is helping to expand neurologic care for adults with physical and intellectual disabilities.
Kentucky leads the nation in cases of lung cancer. Cancer patients in our region also experience barriers to care and racial disparities in care. Cancer incidence in Kentucky is very high compared with other states, […]
Cerebral palsy describes a range of permanent motor function disorders arising from a one-time change to the fetal or infant brain. Cerebral palsy symptoms are secondary to a brain injury or malformation before, during or […]
The goal of total knee replacement surgery has not changed in the 50 years since the procedure’s inception, but new technology available to surgeons allows for more precision and customization than traditional knee replacement. Advances […]
Margaret T. Dorn, M.D. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Kaitlin B. Firquin, D.O. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Rachel D. King, M.D. Pediatrics Emergency Medicine JMichelle Talukder, M.D. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Megan Ferrell, PA-C Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery
Joshua Day, M.D. General Surgery Jignesh Desai, M.D. Hospital Medicine Victoria Ghernautan, M.D. Endocrinology Adam L. Goble, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Tyler Loche, D.O. Emergency Medicine Waqar A. Saleem, M.D. Hospital Medicine Kristina Grabova, PA-C Thoracic Surgery […]