Optimizing general health and well-being through ‘prehab’ can improve surgical outcomes

Prehabilitation, or “prehab,” refers to optimizing general health and well-being before surgery to improve surgical outcomes. Prehab takes a multidisciplinary approach, focusing on strength and aerobic exercises, nutrition, smoking cessation, alcohol reduction, and psychological factors […]

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Advantages of minimally invasive spine surgery

Spine surgeries have come a long way from the large open procedures that were the standard of care for many years. A wide range of minimally invasive surgeries are now possible for patients, with excellent [...]

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Reducing opioid use before and after spine surgery

Until recently, opioids have been the analgesic of choice for managing back pain before and after surgery. Now we are in the midst of an opioid crisis and know all too well the many drawbacks [...]

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Managing osteoporosis and spine surgery

Osteoporosis in the aging population is now estimated to affect over 10 million people and significantly affects postmenopausal women, although the condition can occur in other groups. There are many predisposing factors, including a family [...]

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Improving surgical decision-making for cervical spine patients

Difficulty with standing balance is a frequent clinical issue with multiple possible etiologies. It may be seen with normal aging or common pathologies such as diabetic neuropathy. In patients with cervical degenerative disease, progressive standing [...]

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Putting patients on the fast track to better blood sugar control before surgery

Studies have shown patients with diabetes who have poorly controlled blood sugar are more likely to have more adverse outcomes after elective surgery. At the same time, patients do not want to wait for spine […]

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